Техническое обслуживание
The provision of planned medical care to foreign citizens in the E.O.Mukhina Hospital is provided on a fee basis.
Medical care in an emergency form in case of sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases that pose a threat to the life of the patient is provided to foreign citizens in the E.O.Mukhina Hospital free of charge.
Paid office:
Website page
Phone: +7 (495) 303-12-98
Paid office provides:
Paid services are provided either as part of a voluntary medical insurance program (VMI) or under a direct contract with an individual for cash.
Profile medical services
Provision of medical care
Treatment of the hospital represented the Division of General Surgery, Urology, gynecological department, ENT department, ophthalmology department, the department of cardiology with the unit CCU, department of endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment, neurological department with neuroreanimation unit for patients with acute stroke, endocrinology, pulmonology departments. The outpatient department provides outpatient care to the population attached. In the outpatient department are receiving the leading specialists of the clinic, heads of specialized departments, which provides a more efficient work between the outpatient and clinical services.
City Clinical E.O.Mukhina Hospital operates first in Moscow Perinatal Center.
Algorithm actions of patient of paid medical services:
The registration form for non-residents of Russian federation